Financial management

Every healthcare organisation wants to function efficiently and effectively. With our software modules, you calculate the costs of care and identify potential improvement. Need advice? Our consultants are happy to help.

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To function efficient and effective

It goes without saying that every healthcare provider and administrator wants to spend public funds with care. But how do you know whether the processes in your organization are efficient and whether they deliver the most effective care?

Our consultants identify where you can further optimize your healthcare organisation. We use a benchmark to see how others provide the same care and where you might deviate. By entering into dialogue and monitoring improvement, we help you evolve. You develop more efficient and effective care processes that are future-proof, which puts you at the forefront of care.

St. Antonius

To invest in a surgical robot or not?

To what extent does the investment in a robot compensate for variables such as less use of expensive hospital staff, a shorter admission and fewer complications? Performation was commissioned by Intuitive Surgical* to conduct research into the financial impact of a surgical robot.

Read the case
Case header :case:wel of niet investeren in een operatierobot:
Maarten van der Wilt | Business area manager
Financial management in order

‘Get the financial management of your healthcare organization in order. Please contact me using the form below and I will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.’

Let's discuss your possibilities

I would like advice about financial management

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